سریال فضیلت خانم قسمت 77 هفتاد و هفتم - fazilat khanoom ۷۷
A good massage will relax everyone, but you will hear it for the first time! The world's greatest stars He chooses Dot, it's: bite!
Using social media frequently, Stein brings as much attention to his work with his brave poses.
Dot, the full name Dorothy Stein is a masseuse of world famous names, but what makes her different is a technique. Dr. Dot is doing a 'biting' massage.
You can think of the most famous rock music stars, athletes, politicians, television and cinema celebrities stealing Stein's door to bite themselves.
From this very strange technique, the CNN to the Daily Mail, FHM to the New York Times have seen many places.
فضیلت خانم ۷۷ Dorothy Stein has been working since he was 15 years old and has been making money for 24 years.
He plays in commercials, he's making products for himself. People see it as 'relaxing', 'relieving trouble'.
In an interview with the British Daily Mail, she describes how she got 'biting' therapy, a habit that came from 'family': il My mother constantly asked me to give her a massage, I was only 5 years old, and my hands weren't so strong. He told me to bite on it, since then keep biting!
His clients are all famous names: Kanye West, Paris Hilton, Katy Perry, Eminem, Adam Levine, Iggy Pop, Aerosmith, Vin Diesel, Seal, Shakira ...
Stein, a strict rock'n'roll listener, says he feels that he is the luckiest person in the world for getting free tickets to the rock stars' concerts.