سریال فضیلت خانم قسمت 122 صد و بیست و دوم - fazilat khanoom ۱۲۲

دانلود فضیلت خانم 122 Actress Pelin Akil Brings Twin Babies to the World
Pelin Akil entered the world home with actor Anıl Altan and today gave birth to their twin babies named Alin and Lina.
Well-known actress Pelin Akil did her baby. In 2016 Pelin Akil married to her twins with a magnificent ceremony with her colleague Anıl Altan.
Twin baby girls born into the famous couple babies named Alin and Lina gave. Melina Kaygılaroğlu, a close friend of Pelin Akil, shared a photo of her with a note "My dear girls".
The couple organized a baby shower party for their twin twins. Şenay Özgün, Tarık Özgün, Berna Altan, Hakan Altan, Minel Altan and his close friends Uraz-Melis-Ada Kaygılaroğlu, Akasya Asıltürkmen, Nilperi Şahinkaya, Göksen Ateş, Nilay Cafer, Doğukan Medetoğlu, Aslıhan Güner, Ahmet Aksöz. .
فضیلت خانم ۱۲۲ Akil, said in a statement in his statement: "In our lives a new era begins. I feel like a clean page starting so I smell white soap all my pregnancy, and I'm overly fond of it. That's why I gave my friends today with rose soaps."
Şükriye Passion, which is believed to have died, appeared many years later!
Şükriye Tutkun, a Turkish Folk Music artist who is a guest of the 2nd page program on Kanal D screenshots, told the curiosity about her life live. Passion, "They think they are dead, so I do not get an offer. said.The traumas you experienced as a child don't pass. You can't make healthy nests. I'm still single, I don't have children, for example. I gave birth in 1986, my child lived for 5 days, then I lost. I was in a coma. They've made a lot of effort to save me. You're not raised by the parents. You don't know that relationship.
I've seen my father twice in my life. Both of them were in the hospital. In one of them 'patient' telegraph had. I was 18 when I first met my father. The total time we spent is not even one hour. They said, 'Shukri came.' He didn't open his eyes. The name of the wife he married was also named Şükriye. They said, 'She's here.' I'm not mad at my dad. I don't have a rage against him. Terms did not give. I'm sure my father loved me.