سریال قرص ماه قسمت 76 هفتاد و ششم - ghorse mah ۷۶

دانلود قرص ماه 76 ACUN'S DREAMS, I DON'T GIVE MEST!
Şeyma Subaşı, who divorced from Acun Ilıcalı last year, makes brave poses with her ex-spouse just after her marriage.
Last year, divorced by the contract with Şeyma Subaşı Ilıcalı, Instagram phenomena during the time he was married to Subaşı, his wife's clothing was very jealous of stating that the statement was found.
Şeyma Subaşı, who is now an act of every action, shares her darling poses with her darling wife Acun Ilıcalı.
قرص ماه ۷۶ When Acun Ilıcalı was married to Şeyma Subaşı, she gave sincere answers to Buket Aydın's questions in a program she attended in CNN Türk.
Ilıcalı, for the brave attire of Şeyma Subaşı, whom she was married to at the time, "I am jealous, of course. Sometimes I am very jealous, I am disturbing herself in such a case. you do not look. ''
'' Because I am asking Şeyma's clothes for the girls. 'Are you being uncomfortable?' He said. What am I going to do? I'm really jealous of these things. But on the other hand, I have no intention to look at it. She wants to dress chirpy. ''